Amma’s Long Jump

By S. Pankanti

Those of who know my amma are well familiar with her physical abilities: she had sadly decades of chronic severe arthritic problems in both her knees. Her continuous working habits wore her knees, knee-caps included, beyond any hope of recovery and remediation. Her both knees had taken the characteristic bow shape which physicians immediately recognized her severe condition of beyond any hope of easy medication; she consumed her daily dose of painkillers and limped along with a happy countenance despite medical problems of various magnitudes.

She packed her day (and night) with devotional deeds and passed her time with Baba’s name on her lips as her schedule permitted.

When smooth marbled architects are marveled around the world and its charm and décor is being discussed, I am sure, we are happy to ignore and dismiss the hazards it poses for an aging arthritic inhabitant with bare grip on the granite ground. For undertaking repairs and remodeling, my family had moved from an independent house to my sister’s upper floor. The marbled limited space was cluttered and congested and was doubly dangerous and perhaps needed no more additional tricks for tripping.

One day, inevitably amma tripped near a threshold rather with a strong momentum and she was catapulted a couple feet. The projected panorama of ensuing crash landing, much dreaded hospital visits and long recovery must have flashed across her mind in that momentous flight and a helpless cry of “Baba!” escaped her livid lips, partly as a habit and partly out of desperate exasperation. Baba must have heard her cry for help in His infinite Grace – because she landed like a petal on a flower bed. When she recalls the incident now at a bare request, her eyes shine and twinkle in a recall of divine glory and of His touch and with moistened eyes she will say: “Baba instantaneously appeared there and cradled me in His hands and gently placed me on the floor”.

PS: Amma recently underwent double knee replacement surgery and she felt Baba was there during her surgery. With His Grace, she is recovering well.

Baba Seals Hole In The Heart Instantly

sai_ba2The mother of an infant girl experienced Baba’s grace in a strange manner. Her daughter was diagnosed with a heart condition needing immediate surgery. She visited Puttaparthi and wrote her daughter’s condition in the most pitiful manner possible. Her daughter was scheduled to undergo surgery at the hospital in Puttaparthi but there was a significant chance that she could lose her life due to the delicate nature of the operation. She was anxious to the extreme and nervously awaited Swami’s darshan.

As she sat in the darshan line, the merciful Lord approached her and quickly took the letter that the helpless mother held out to Him. She was thrilled, no doubt, but her joy was soon transformed into extreme anxiety as Swami took the letter, crumpled it, and threw it out instantly.

She burst into tears inconsolably as helpless onlookers attempted to console her. She lost all hope but had to be by her daughter’s bedside on the day of the surgery. She summoned as much courage as she could and went to the hospital to help her daughter with diagnostic tests that were scheduled on the eve of surgery.

The doctors came rushing to her after the scans. Seeing their rush, her heart almost shut down but the smile on the doctors’ faces prevented her from collapsing. The doctors were extremely excited and revealed to her that her daughter’s heart condition had DISSAPPEARED miraculously. She could not understand what had happened but then realized why Swami had thrown away the letter.

Swami’s destruction of the letter did not symbolize a bad omen (contrary to what she feared) but was rather a proclamation by the Almighty that no surgery was needed. The overjoyed mother-daughter duo visited Swami the following day and thanked Him from the bottom of their hearts. They are live testimonies to the proclamation that Baba has made on innumerable occasions: “I bear the love of a thousand mothers.”

Baba is a Divine Doctor who is capable of sealing not just physical holes, but ones at many levels — spiritual, emotional, personal, and more. All He asks for is a heartfelt plea and sincere adherence to His teachings. We may not be able to understand Baba’s actions in the short run, but in the long term everything will fall in place and Baba will make us understand that whatever He does is always for our own good.

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Ten Myths About God

Man Praying

By The Editor, Sai Sandesh

Myth 1: God expects me to give up everything

Truth: God just wants you to give up your “attachment” to everything.

Myth 2: God wants me to pray all the time

Truth: Daily prayer time is good, but you need to fulfill your duties too. While driving, we listen to our favorite music. It makes the journey interesting. In the same way, God wants you to enjoy His company and tune in to the music of His love (in the depth of your heart) while you drive on the road of life and progress toward your goals. Just remember Him in everything you do and see how He helps. Daily prayer is an excellent discipline to help you reach the state of constant remembrance.

Myth 3: God is an angry, punishing entity

Truth: God is love and compassion … infinitely greater than human comprehension. The painful experiences in our life’s journey are meant to usher our evolution and growth on the inner realm. They are milestones that push us to realize the true purpose of life.

Myth 4: God hates me

Truth: There is absolutely nothing in the entire creation that God is not capable of doing. He is incapable of one thing, though: hatred. God simply cannot hate. Children may misinterpret a mother’s actions but the mother only wishes what is best for the child.

Myth 5: God never gives me what I want

Truth: God always gives us what we need — even before we ask. God focuses on the big picture while we tend to worry about the trifles. A mother never allows the child to eat unwholesome food, but she will gladly serve what is best for the child’s health.

Myth 6: God will never speak with me

Truth: God is always speaking to each and everyone of us. He guides us in every moment of our lives. Due to the clutter of thoughts, we cannot hear His voice. Prayers still the mind and allow us to hear His voice clearly. To listen to a radio broadcast, we need to tune in to the right frequency, right?

Myth 7: God is boring

Truth: God is constantly entertaining us. Divine humor! Just look around and feel the wind tickling your cheeks, the breeze playing with your hair, the little ones making you smile, the little incidences that make us laugh in the most unexpected manner … there is joy everywhere in His creation. A mother always tries to make the child laugh, but because the child is so focused on “the toys” she fails to recognize the mother’s efforts.

Myth 8: God needs to be prayed to in a specific language and in a very rigid way

Truth: Partially right, but the language is the one that arises from the heart: LOVE! Speak to God as you would speak to your most beloved friend and watch God dance in joy. You will feel it. Tell Him all that you do. Though He is omniscient, He cherishes the conversations we have with Him. He doesn’t like being ignored either — make Him a part of everything you do.

Myth 9: God won’t forgive my mistakes

Truth: Make a sincere effort to seek forgiveness and avoid repeating mistakes. God is love. He will raise you and hold you in His arms. Even a human parent can’t forsake a child, how can God do so? You are His cherished child.

Myth 10: It is very hard to please God

Truth: It is much, much simpler than you think. It may be hard to please humans, but God will burst into the brightest rainbow smile the moment you think about Him. Try helping others selflessly and see how God reveals His presence in every pore of your being. Serving others is the easiest way to please God. Try it! Small efforts go a long way.

Smile and be happy always. God created you because he loves you. You are a part of His being, His own special child. He will never forsake or forget you!

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The Power Of Baba’s Words

baba_discourseNature is nothing but the manifestation of a minute fraction of God’s infinite glory, and billions of ever-expanding universes are mere atoms when compared to the all-powerful Lord. When such a powerful Lord commands His creation on a course of action, it cannot but fulfill that order with all humility and reverence.

The might and majesty of an avatar cannot be comprehended by human intelligence; it can only be experienced. During their physical incarnation, avatars perform countless deeds that are considered miracles in the mortal realm, but in reality they are visible manifestations of divine sankalpa (will). This will is so powerful it can alter even the writ of providence and, when necessary, overrule otherwise unalterable cosmic laws. The warmth of sincere devotion can melt God’s butter-soft heart in an instant, and in response to a devotee’s plea the Lord becomes like a servitor, willing to extend any service possible. When the call is sincere, He will alter even destiny and rescue devotees from sorrow. This has been the experience of innumerable devotees.

Once, a mother-in-law was fortunate enough to experience this grace. She was a pious lady who had a big family with many sons and daughter-in-laws. Despite experiencing all forms of happiness, she was not at peace, for none of her children were able to become parents. She visited Puttaparthi with utmost reverence and placed her sorrow at the feet of the Lord of Parthi. He heard her request with compassion but explained that none of her family members were destined to become parents-that was their fate. She was disheartened but she firmly held Sai’s feet and with tear-filled eyes begged Him to intercede. Swami was moved and asked if she believed in Him. She calmly said that His will was supreme and that He could alter destiny itself, if He so willed. Swami was touched by her faith and blessed her. The following year, she came with beautiful grand children.

During the Shirdi Sai Avatar, a devotee brought several seeds to Shirdi. It was his intense desire to plant trees near Dwarakamai. Baba was reluctant, however, and refused to accede. As time passed, the seeds dried and became incapable of germinating. The devotee was unable to bear his beloved Sai’s refusal. Day and night, he was suffering in anguish. Sainath was unable to see His devotee suffer in this manner and called him to His presence. Baba asked him to quit worrying and also ordered him to plant the dried seeds with faith. He declared that even though the seeds had dried, they would germinate into beautiful plants-and they did.

During another instance, Baba’s devotee, Shama, was bitten by a snake. Frightened by the imminent danger, Shama immediately rushed to His beloved Sai who uttered the following words: “Oh vile bhaturdya (priest), do not climb up. Beware if you do so. Go get away, come down.” Shama was disheartened to think that the words were uttered at him, but in reality they were Sai’s antidote to the poison. It was a direct command ordering the poison to stop rising. Shama recovered completely. On another occasion, Shirdi witnessed a terrifying storm that threatened to devour the entire village. All its inhabitants rushed to their beloved Lord Sai, who in His utmost mercy came to their rescue. His simple words, “Oh, stop; calm your fury,” were sufficient to quell the furious storm in moments.

God is so merciful, He cannot but run for His devotees. He is like the hard-working mother who is always busy performing routine household-in His case, cosmic-duties. Despite her burdens, the mother always provides for the children’s needs and keeps a watchful eye on them. The children may not know or realize this. When they are safe or at play, she continues performing her chores, but if a child starts crying inconsolably, she will leave everything and run to console her darling. Similarly, God, who bears the love of a thousand mothers, rushes to respond to His children’s calls. His simple words will allay all fears and fulfill devotees’ wishes.

Why Fear When I Am Here — How Baba Cured A Devotee’s Knee Injury

dwarakamai_shirdi_saiAn old knee injury had resulted in a serious tear of my left knee’s cartilage (Meniscus). A surgery was recommended but due to some lapse at my end, I had not undergone the treatment. The excruciating pain from the injury relapsed after a period of ten years and I fell to the ground, unable to stand or move. It was almost as if I had lost one leg. I lay frozen on the floor, none around to give me a hand.

I wasn’t covered under a health insurance plan and Sai’s grace was the only insurance I could rely on. As I helplessly looked at Baba’s picture, He diverted my eyes to a car sticker that had the picture of Shirdi Sai Baba with abhaya hasta mudra (the blessing hand gesture granting freedom from fear). I could distinctly read what was written under the picture. The words were “Why fear when I am here.”

As soon as I saw the sticker a miracle happened and as I tried to stand back on my feet I did not experience the slightest pain or discomfort. I have been pain free ever since. In Shirdi, Baba used to cure devotees with a mere glance. His most amazing grace, even looking at his picture is sufficient to cure our physical maladies. Truly Sai is the most amazing phenomenon to grace earth.

Vision Of Baba

cropped-moortis21.jpgBy M. Saxena

We are all in the Om Sai Mandir, singing bhajans. I am in a state of happiness, bliss, and am looking around at the others in the Mandir happily singing. I look up towards Baba’s moortis. They are beautiful. As I am singing, my gaze happily bounces around to see the blissful environment – the devotees singing, some crying, some clapping, then just as I turn towards Baba – I freeze still. The hair on the back of my neck is standing frozen. Standing in front of Baba’s moorti, is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself!

He is adorned in His red ochre garment. Though He is somewhat facing the moortis, Baba’s is turned towards me, and is looking at me unblinkingly straight into my eyes. He has red rang (Holi color) on His face. I am stunned and stop breathing. The very night before this dream it was Holi, and we were putting color on each other’s faces. Everyone put color on Baba as a teeka, but I went further and put it on Baba’s face and cheeks Now Baba was in the Mandir, looking at me. No one was else was reacting, in fact, they kept singing. Why was no one noticing?

His presence was so powerful that everyone else seemed unreal. He did not talk, did not blink, just looked, as if mischievously observing. Just narrating this story still gives me goosebumps of joy.

Why Ask For Tinsels and Trash? The Whole Universe Is Ours

swami_holding_flowerBaba once narrated a beautiful example. A king held a big exhibition with a variety of art products. He had announced that all his subjects could take home anything. All rushed there and filled their hands with the choicest of products. One lady, however, came out empty handed. The king was surprised and questioned her. She expressed her disinterest in worldly things.

The king was adamant, however, and promised to grant her anything. After repeated assurances, she finally asked for the king himself. The king kept his word and along with him, the entire kingdom—including the exhibition, became the lady’s.

Sai compares this cosmos to a vast exhibition. All entering this exhibition are free to satisfy their desires with objects of their liking. Some seek wealth; some, jobs; some, children … and so on.

The wise, however, seek only God, for they know that all else is contained within Him.

God Liberates His Surrendered Devotees

One should not be overwhelmed by difficulties encountered in life; they are all transient. The source of enduring bliss is within us and we must not give way to weakness. Prapthi means total surrender, offering everything to the Divine and doing away with the sense of ego that separates the individual from God. In such a state, pleasure or pain are both cheerfully accepted as God’s blessings.

The bhakti marga (path of devotion) is truly the path of sharanaagathi (surrender), of which Lakshmana is a classic example. During His exile, Raama once asked Lakshmana to put up a hut on a site of Lakshmana’s choice. The latter grieved and pleaded with Raama: “Why do you ask me to select the site? Have I any individuality left? Can I choose? Will I select?

Don’t you know that I have no will of my own? You decide and I obey; you command and I carry out.” This is the essence of sharnaagathi. Krishna has assured us that if we surrender, He will liberate us.

Baba Extends A Devotee’s Life By Eight Years

SathyasaibabaDr. K.V. Raghava Rao (Guruji) of Hyderabad was a highly evolved soul, nay, a saint who had completely surrendered to Sai. His relationship with Baba was very intimate, and the latter would often warn him about approaching dangers. Once, Sai cautioned him about an imminent stroke. Ordinary devotees would panic in such situations, but Guruji cheerfully accepted the disease as God’s blessings. Baba, on his part, surrendered Himself back to Guruji and would honor every prayer that emerged from his pure heart. Once, a sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) learnt about his nearing death. He was terrified and vehemently prayed to Shirdi Sai Baba. Baba appeared to him in meditation and said that He would not reverse the verdict as his allotted time on earth was over, but also added that there was one surrendered soul (Guruji) whose prayers could never be refused. The sadhaka immediately rushed to Dr. K.V. Raghava Rao, on whose request Baba prevented the demise and extended the sadhaka’s life by eight years.

It is Baba who saved the devotee but demonstrated the power of surrender through this act. It was Baba who guided the sadhaka and showed him the way to save his life.

Baba surrenders back to those who surrender to Him. God is pure compassion and love, nothing else.